What an amazing day this was! This beautiful couple praised God for the wonderful miracle that was born. The last month of pregnancy was challenging for Abby, but she did make it. And what a precious baby he is! Big brother is at home waiting eagerly to meet him. He even picked out the name with his parents liking. Dr. Straubs did a fantastic job along with the wonderful team at St. Joe’s Hospital in Polson, MT.

Here we go!

The start of the day. All checked in to room 203:

She did not sleep well the night before. Her body was saying, "I'M DONE!"

Kingsley was excited to get all dressed up. We called him Dr. Kingsley!

After they did her epidural, they invited Kingsley in to the OR

She had a great Nurse Anesthetist! She listened to all her needs.

The STAR of the show has arrived!

Dad gets to cut the cord.

ALL THAT HAIR!! Unbelievable.

God makes our bodies just amazing!

This nurse did a great job of giving "skin2skin" time for mom and baby while the OR team finished.

Kingsley stopped to Praise God right in the delivery room!

Show and tell to the family.

How grateful we are to all the OR staff!!

Kingsley also did his Praise Dancing in the OR!

It's official! You have the bracelet, dad.

A relieved mom look.

Great job Dr. Straub!!

Time to head to recovery.

Yup! He was BIG!

9 pounds and 7 oz

FaceTime with family.

Heading back to the original room.

Measurement time

Dad wanted a special 1st Father/Son skin picture

Here are some of the Black & Whites that are so powerful. You are a strong woman Abby!

I love ending with this. Kingsley was such a wonderful supportive husband!
